Sunday 30 August 2009

Last Day at Work

Had an amazing but very emotional day yesterday. After over 20 years working in the same building I finally handed in my security pass and left yesterday. Got a fantastic send off. The office was decorated with balloons, streamers and proper dodgy photos of me and the team at the Rocky Horror Show! Helen, Carly and Jane were all there to meet me when I first walked in and had some beautiful pressies for me. At lunchtime we had a "bit of a do" in the bar and I was presented with more lovely pressies. Tim read out a poem that Rena had written for me and that set me off crying for about the 20th time that day!

Last night PSPA and Jane went out for a meal at Pulcinellas. The PSPA girls all had cameras at the ready and were flashing all night!!

It was a great night with the most fantastic bunch of people. Gonna miss you all so much. xxx

Today, the hangover wasn't as bad as expected so me and Simon got on with sorting stuff out ready for the shippers coming. The house is even more untidy now!

Simon has just gone out with the blokes for his "leaving do". I think it's going to be a long night as they are heading off to the casino in the early hours! Got the house to myself as the kids are sleeping out at friends hoouses tonight. They are trying to get as much time with their friends as they can as it's only 2 weeks now before we leave!

Anyway....enough for tonight, I'm going to have a Martini. x

Thursday 27 August 2009

Crikey....there is so much to do! Simon is busy selling his tools, equipment and van. I sold my car today so now have a hire car to see us over the next couple of weeks. I'm leaving work on Friday and going out for a meal with the team on Friday night.

The house is a tip with trying to get everything sorted ready for the shippers coming next week!
Thanks to Carly and Claire for adopting some homeless houseplants!

Now trying to suss out tax forms, bank accounts, transferring money blah blah blah. I've got a headache!

Anyway, the great news is that Linzi has had an offer accepted on a house, so her and Mark will be homeowners soon!

Friday 21 August 2009

Welcome to my Blog

Hello everyone. I'm new to this blogging thing so let's just see how it goes!

Well.......we are emigrating to Perth in Australia on the 13th September so I guess this blog is the story of our emigration.
So who are we? Mandy, Simon, Maya and Nathan........Linzi (the lovely redhead on the photo) is not coming with us. She is just about to embark on a big adventure of her own......buying her first home with her lovely boyfriend and expecting their first child in December.

We've just about sold the house in Cleveleys, Lancashire. We have the shippers coming to pack up all our furniture and belongings on the 1st & 2nd Sept. Not looking forward to that!! Then we will have to camp out in our empty house a few days before moving into a local holiday flat and then finally leaving Cleveleys on the 13th Sept!! So things are a bit hectic here right now and stress levels are rising!

I'll be back soon to let you know how we are getting on.