Sunday 31 January 2010

Another fun filled weekend! It was Gareth's 40th birthday on Friday. We bought him a camera and he was chuffed to bits. Yesterday Gareth, Simon, Andy and Glenn all went to a REAL pub in Baldivis. There aren't many proper pubs round here so Simon thought it was great! Last night was the big party round at Debbie and Gareth's. Had a great time. Debbie hired a huge bouncy castle for the kids. Loads of people came and Gareth got spoilt to death with some great pressies and one not-so-great pressie that became the butt of our jokes for the rest of the night! lol.

We got our mortgage approved on Friday as well so we should be moving into our house in a few weeks. Can't wait........renting is crap!

Me, Stacey and Debbie are going on a girlie weekend away at Margaret River in a couple of months. We've been planning it for over a month and are finally going to get it booked this week! Can't wait. Stacey is a lovely girl and an absolute scream. It's going to be brilliant!

Linzi's flights are all booked and paid for. Her, Mark and little Harry will be flying out to us in May. We will be well settled in the new house by then. I'm so excited. I've already bought the travel cot, highchair and pushchair.

Anyway, gotta go.........need to meet Stacey at Deb's house to choose which accomodation we want to book! Let the good times

Tuesday 26 January 2010

VIDEO: The one that got away

VIDEO: The one that got away

Happy Australia Day!!!

January 26th is Australia Day so we all got a day off work (on a Tuesday!!) Arranged to spend the day with the Fitzes and Stacey & Andy. We all went down to Dolphin Quay at Mandurah and sat on the boardwalk watching the boats go by while the lads (and Stace) had a few pints of cold lager. Then we all headed off to Silver Sands beach for the rest of the day. The police were passing as we were dragging our eskies on to the beach and asked Andy if we had any grog. Andy told them the eskies were full of egg sandwiches, yeah right!..........the police warned us that no grog was allowed on the beach and then drove off. Had a great time with the kids in the ocean. Lots of fun. Ate our picnic, drank the grog, splashed about a bit more then packed up to go back home at teatime. A lovely day, spent with lovely people in a lovely place. Happy Australia Day!


Tuesday 12 January 2010

Happy New Year!!

First post of 2010!!!!! That's disgraceful as it's now the 12th January. I have good excuses for not blogging though..........I spent New Year in a haze of alcohol and puke (sorry). New Years Eve was spent at Stacy and Andy's. I can't remember much after midnight but I've seen the photos and it wasn't very dignified! I can tell you that Black Sambuca gives you black vomit! Spent all New Years Day in bed. Tried getting up a few times but felt too ill and had to climb back under the duvet. Finally recovered by the 4th Jan, just in time to start my new job as Bank Manager!

I'm on the steepest learning curve ever but I'm sure I'll grasp all this managing a bank stuff soon! I'm certainly back in my comfort zone.

Simon started his new job yesterday as well so we are both finding our feet at the moment. It is a relief to have two decent wages coming in again. We are doing the mortgage application tomorrow. Touch wood there will be no problems.

Weather has been cooler over the past week. It's been hovering around 26 - 30 degrees. Last Sunday a cloud actually came over and blocked the sunshine! Terrible weather!. Anyway, it's heating up now and we have 42 degrees forecast for next Sunday. Whoo hoo!!

Last week there were 3 beaches closed on a couple of days because there were several sharks spotted lurking near the shore. Two of the sharks were only 20m away from the shoreline!! So we are a bit cautious when taking a dip in the ocean now. They seem pretty good though for identifying when there are sharks nearby. They have a helicopter flying up and down the coast looking for them.

I think that's all for now. I'll be back soon.
