Tuesday 2 March 2010

Home sweet home!

Got the keys on Friday lunch time to our lovely new home. Have spent all weekend moving in (in scorching temperatures!). Thanks to the Fitzes and the Perks for your help xx We absolutely love it. After months of living in the rental next to a busy main road, our new house is so peaceful and tranquil. Montebourg Meander is a lovely street, palm trees everywhere. We even have one in our front garden. There's a area of parkland at the end of the road with a large pond and jetty, little playground and barbecue area. The park leads up to the back of Maya and Nathan's school so they can now walk to school by only crossing one road. Woke up Sunday morning, looked out of the window and a bunch of ducks were playing in the sprinklers in the garden over the road. Beautiful!

Not impressed though that a big ugly stick insect lives in our garden just near my washing line!! Totally freaked me out yesterday!

We've moved all the furniture in and the place is looking like home. Simon has already started painting Maya's bedroom (the Kiwi's who lived here before have a strange taste in colour!). We have bought a new fridge which fits better in the kitchen so our big american fridge is now going in the entertainment area outside.....biggest beer fridge ever!!

We are going to a big swimming pool expo on Sunday at Claremont where, hopefully, we will be placing our order for our new pool. Hope to get that installed towards the end of Autumn.

Going to be a bit sad over the next couple of weeks as I'm going to miss two big milestones back home. It's Linzi's 21st next week and then a few days later on Mothers Day Harry is getting christened. Mother's Day in Australia is celebrated in May but it's the week before Linzi arrives! Bugga!! Never mind, we'll celebrate everything we can think of when they get here.

Enjoying a few days off work, watching Simon doing all the hard work. Suppose I better pick up a paintbrush tomorrow and do my bit. I'll post a picture of the house when I can find my camera leads......still a million boxes to unpack!!


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