Sunday 28 March 2010

Our new house

Here's our new house. Yes the grass is a bit dead but it has been a bit scorching this summer.
We had a huge storm last week. I was at a meeting up at Booragoon and the sound of the hailstone coming down on the building was well scary. Driving back from the meeting was terrifying. The sky was black and it was torrential rain. Debbie was driving...........we would never have got home if it had been me! The hailstones up in Perth were the size of tennis balls and hundreds of cars got smashed up as they came down. Round where we live we just got the torrential downpour and some amazing thunder and lightening that went on for a few hours. The sun has come out again now though thank god.
So.......back to the house. Simon has finished Maya's bedroom, the big family room and one of the bathrooms. Next job is to paint the spare bedroom ready for Linzi and Mark's visit with little Harry. There's still lots we want to do to the house but it's great and we love it.
We've all had a stinkin rotten cold for the past week. I'm the last one to suffer it. I feel like death warmed up. In fact I think I'll have an early night. Night Night. x

1 comment:

  1. House looks fab Mand! Hope you're all loving it over there! Take care. Steve x
