Wednesday 4 November 2009

Catch up

Had a busy weekend, spent Saturday catching up on shopping, ironing, housework then got ready for the halloween fancy dress party. Sunday we eventually crawled out of bed (morning after the halloween party!) and we drove up to Kings Park in the city. It was a beautiful day and an even more beautiful place. Great views over the city and swan river.

Had a day off work yesterday (Tues) and had my first Aussie hair-do. I'm proper blonde again now instead of two-tone! Made a picnic in the afternoon and when Simon got home from work we picked up the Fitzes and all went down to eat our tea on the beach and watch the sun go down. The kids were playing in the sea, us adults were chilling on the picnic rug listening to The Eagles "Hotel California" as the sky glowed orange and purple with the sunset. Then to make the moment even more perfect a group of dolphins appeared bobbing about in the sea right in front of us. We really were "livin the dream"!! Perfect evening!

Anyway........back to work this morning and was told I'm being transferred to the Spearwood branch as a part time Sales Consultant. I'll be working 9.30 to 2.30 each day. So another step up the ladder and another job to learn! I'm really pleased.

Simon has not had such good news. The Govt over here has slashed the grants for the home insulation which means some of the insulation companies are going to suffer. Simon's boss has told him that it is likely he will need to cut back and as Simon was last in, he will be first out. So it's a case of waiting to see what happens and in the meantime Simon will keep his eyes and ears open for something else.

Back in the UK, Linzi has moved into her new home with Mark. Really proud of the pair of them! xx

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