Thursday 12 November 2009

Well, Wednesday last week we were "livin the dream", Wednesday this week we are totally fed up!

Simon is at risk of being laid off and doesn't know from one day to the next if he's gonna have a job, so he's now on the job hunt again. Also we found out this week that because Simon is a sub-contractor we wont be able to get a mortgage any time soon and might even need to wait up to 2 years unless we can raise a 40% deposit (we only have a 20% deposit!). Then got home tonight and the Real Estate Agents who we are renting off are coming to do an inspection of our rental soon and have given us a list as long as your arm of things they will be checking. It basically means that we will have to go through every nook and cranny of the house with a fine tooth comb and do the mother of all spring cleans! If anything is not up to scratch they will charge us $25. From what other people have told me, these Agents will always find fault to try and rip you off for more money. I WANT A MORTGAGE!!! ARRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!

Okay, now that's off my chest................Maya went off to camp this morning. She will be in Balingup until Saturday. It was raining here all through the night and this morning, although it was really warm. Hope the rain keeps away from Balingup! The storm we had during the night was a bit fierce. The thunder was the loudest I have ever heard and the rain was bloody intense! Woke the whole house up. Maya and Nathan usually enjoy a good thunder & lightening storm but they were scared to death last night!

Nathan and Simon are going whale-watching on Saturday morning. I need to wait here for Maya to come home from camp but then we'll go up to Fremantle to meet them off the boat. I think we will be heading to Point Peron on Sunday so Nathan can try out his new snorkling set he got for his birthday.

Friday the 13th tomorrow. Joy!!

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