Tuesday 24 November 2009


Little Harry was back in hospital over the weekend as he has jaundice. After some treatment under the UV lamp he is back home and being monitored. Just got off the phone to Linzi and she said he is now feeding better and seems happy and content so all is good. Missing them terribly but feeling better now I've seen them on webcam.

So what have the Dawbers been up to lately.............well, not last weekend but the weekend before, we went to Point Peron beach with the snorkles. The dolphins were quite close to the shore (about 100m away) so Simon swam out to them. They got up really close. Then Simon looked down under the water and there was a big stingray swimming underneath him (glad I wasn't out there I would have freaked!)

Simon, got laid off the same day little Harry was born so he has spent the last week applying for jobs. He had an interview yesterday and was offered the job but would need to buy a trailer and other equipment that would bite too much into our funds so he hasn't accepted yet while we think about it.

We had a lot of rain last week, absolutely torrential downpours on our steel roof! Kept us awake! Over the past few days though the weather has been slowly heating up and today reached about 36 degrees.

Over the weekend we went to Rockingham Spring Festival on Saturday and then on Sunday afternoon we went to Sepentine Falls. Dave - if you're reading this - it was hell on Earth!!!! Flies flies flies everywhere. Oh my God, I've never seen so many flies! Couldn't even open my mouth to complain about it or I would have swallowed 6 million flies! I sat on the rocks frazzling in the sun while Simon and the kids had a dip in the water. Next thing about 20 feral people with filthy feet and dreadlocks turned up, effing and jeffing all over the place. We were only there 15 minutes then got the hell out of there! So Dave - next time we drive down to Serpentine I think it will be for a few cool drinks in your bar and we'll give the falls a miss unless all the flies bugger off! hahaha x

It's my last week working in Baldivis. I move on to my part time post as Sales Consultant in Spearwood next week. Looking forward to the shorter hours but not looking forward to learning another new job so quickly!

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