Wednesday 30 September 2009

Simon has got a job!

Simon went for his first interview today and was given the job on the spot. He will be fitting insulation and starts next Tuesday. I got my contract of employment through today and I start next week too so we better sort out some childcare for the school holidays and after school!!!!!

I'm starting to think that maybe this really is the land of milk and honey!

Took a nice picture today but can't bloody (whoops sorry Mum) bloomin upload it!

Home phone number

We should have the home phone connected later today. Our number is 0061 8 **********. Don't forget that we are 7 hours ahead of you so don't be phoning us at silly o'clock!

Went to Ikea yesterday, I could have been in Warrington! Feel more at home now I've got an Ikea oven glove!


Monday 28 September 2009

Our rental house, plus my little Kia and Simon's Ute.

Sunday 27 September 2009

The sun has come out!

Finally out of the jeans and cardigans and into the shorts and vest tops!! Having some glorious weather this weekend. Moved into our rental yesterday, loving it!! Bought the biggest sofa you have ever seen (I really must upload some photos soon!), bought a washing machine, a huge garden table and chairs and a big telly. Apart from that we have borrowed a bed and bedding off Debs & Gareth, the kids are on air-beds and the place looks a bit sparse. Can't wait for our container to arrive!

Got invited to a party last night with some local ex-pats. We all have children at the same school. Was a bit nervous as we didn't know anyone there but what a great bunch of people! Most of them from North West England so dead down to earth and easy to get on with.

Simon has bought his pride and joy..........a massive "man" barbecue! Sat in the garden this morning eating barbecued pork steak butties for breakfast!!

We are absolutely loving it here. It's a great place to raise kids and it's true what everyone says about the Aussies laid back attitude......frustrating as hell sometimes but I'm sure I'll get used to it!

Hoping to get out and about a bit this week as it's my last week off before I start work.

Anyway, gotta go. We're off to a barbie this arvo!

Check back in a couple of days and I'll get my act together with the photos!

Love to you all, thanks for reading the blog! (and well done Jane Hargreaves for finally becoming a follower! Miss you mate, x)

Wednesday 23 September 2009

We've got a rental

Another day, another success!! We have had our application accepted on a rental house......we move in on Saturday!! It's close to the school and Debbie & Gareth's. It's a large 3 bed, 2 bath bungalow. It's got a living room, large open plan kitchen/family room, master bedroom with walk in wardrobe and en-suite, kids bedrooms, family bathroom and laundry room. Only got a small garden but we will only be in it for about 4 months. Just at the bottom of the road is a small park with a little lake and barbecue areas. The place is unfurnished though and our container wont be here until the end of November so Debs & Gareth are coming to the rescue again and lending us some bits. Think I might have to make a trip to Ikea as well!!

Really pleased to get our own place but will be even more chuffed in a few months when we can apply for a mortgage and buy!!

Another bit of news today..........Simon passed his test for the "white card". It's a sort of licence that tradesman need before they can work. Simon can start applying for jobs now.

Tuesday 22 September 2009

Whoooooo hoooooo!!!

I got a job!!! I will be starting in a couple of weeks working for a bank as Sales Consultant. I can choose the hours I wish to work (to fit in with the kids) up to Christmas then from January I will move up to full time Branch Manager!! Can't bloody believe it!! Oh my God I'm so chuffed!!!!

The kid's start school!!!

Maya and Nathan started school yesterday. They were really scared in the morning so me and Simon were nervous all day wondering how they were getting on. They came out of school with huge smiles on their faces. They both said that everyone was mega friendly. They have already made some friends. Nathan said "I can't think there could ever be a better primary school!". Maya said that all the kids in her class were really helpful to her. All the staff are lovely as well and made a big deal of their first day. There is a special assembly tomorrow and the kids will be presented with a certificate to celebrate them joining the school. So chuffed that they like it!!

Simon has bought a Ute (a van) which he picked up today so we have a vehicle each now. Took the hire car back to Perth airport but got lost on the way back because a new stretch of freeway opened this weekend and Sat Nav knew nothing about it!! Ended up out in the sticks with emus and things roaming round.......crapped myself! Anyway, eventually found civilisation again and went to view a rental house yesterday afternoon which we really like. We have applied to be tenants and we should hear tomorrow.

I had a couple of "informal" job interviews today which went really really well. Fingers crossed I should be working again within the next couple of weeks!

Weather has been traditionally English since we arrived (windy, rainy, with odd sunny spells) today has been gorgeous though, actually ventured out with no cardigan and bare legs!

Last weekend we went out for a meal with some other ex-pats and also Simon's cousin Carol came. Had a great night, everyone got on well together and were very welcoming of us.

So in the space of a week we have bought 2 vehicles, enrolled the kids in school, hopefully found a rental, got myself a job (touch wood), made some new friends and caught up with a long lost family member!! Not bad for a weeks work!

The kids are on half term holidays after this week and Debbie and Gareth have some leave so we are going to calm down a bit, do less running round, and go out and see the sights a bit. Looking forward to that.

We are feeling really settled here so far. I think we made the right move, it's a lovely place and everyone is so friendly (apart from all the idiots who majorly tooted and shook their fists at me on the freeway this morning because I was in the wrong lane!! lol)

Thanks for keep checking in on the blog. I'll get some photos posted on here within the next day or two. See ya soon xx

Thursday 17 September 2009

Bought a new car today!! I'm now the proud owner of a 2007 Kia Rio (well we are on a budget!). Really chuffed with it. Also bought our new mobile phones and sat navs!

Been out and about loads today....can't get over how many parrots are just flying about and strolling along the grass verges over here. UK has pigeons, Australia has multi coloured parrots!

Not encountered any deadly animals yet although the car salesman at the Kia garage nearly bored me to death today!!

That's it for now, speak soon. x

Wednesday 16 September 2009

We're here!!!

This could be a long better get a brew!..........Arrived safe and sound on Monday teatime (Perth time). The flight was great, hundreds of films to choose from, telly programmes to watch and games to play. Debbie met us at the airport and it was great to see her, quite emotional. By the time we got through customs and collected the hire car it was going dark on the journey back to the house so we didn't see much. Jake and Luke are now speaking in Aussie accents like they've lived here years! So cute!! Debbie and Gareth's house is great and they have made us really welcome.

Yesterday we spent the day unpacking then had a walk round to get our bearings. It was really cold but we are just coming out of winter here. The Aussies are all wrapped up in thick anoraks but us hardened Poms were just in a jumper! Went to view a rental house last night. They have this strange system here where they open up the proprty for half an hour and about 6 families turn up to view it at the same time. Whoever is interested then applies to be tenants and the Agents just pick one! Pot luck really. The house was big and we quite liked it but we have a couple more to view over the weekend so we will wait a while before we start applying.

Simon went to check out the local gym at the leisure centre and couldn't believe the facilities on offer. As well as the gym there are several huge swimming pools including one for the kids with all the water slides and one for the serious swimmers where you get a lane all to yourself to swim up and down. There is also an olymic sized outdoor pool that has barbecuing facilities around it so the family can spend the day there and cook lunch on the barbie in between dips in the pool!

Met the headmaster at Maya and Nathan's new school today. What a lovely lovely bloke! In fact all the staff that we met made a real fuss of the kids and were so informal and friendly. The kids will start school on Monday. It sounds fabulous..........and they will be learning Indonesian (beats German!!). The deputy head is going to have Maya assessed to see if she can represent the school in their interschools athletics tournaments next term!! Nathan will be going on an intensive 2 week swimming course with the school in the new year as well. The schools here are big on water skills!

It was a bit warmer today - T-Shirts and sunglasses (not bad for the back end of winter). Went into Perth city on the train to activate our bank accounts. The train stations here are so clean and fact the whole place seems so clean and new. The streets round here are great. Each house is detached, most are 4 bed, 2 bath bungalows with huge front gardens and back gardens.

Need to go into Rockingham tomorrow to buy a car, because we only have the hire car until Tuesday. Also need to buy new mobile phones and the kids school uniforms etc. Then we need to crack on and start looking for a job. I've possibly got an opportunity with the bank, I need to chat with the area manager next week. Simon is applying for various different jobs. Keep your fingers crossed for us........want to apply for a mortgage asap!!

I'll be back soon to keep you posted. Don't forget to leave me a message! Missing you all. xx

Monday 7 September 2009

Going to be off-line for a while now. Exchanged on the house today and we are now living in a holiday flat....with no internet access!!!! Aaaarrrgggghhh! Just popped round to Mum's to use the internet. Should be back online properly when we get to Perth.
Bye for now xxx

Thursday 3 September 2009

Empty House!

The shippers have gone!! Hurraaayyyy. They have been here all day again today. Didn't leave until about 6.30pm. This morning they carried on wrapping and packing and wrapping and packing but then a bit of excitement at about 2pm this afternoon...........the container arrived! I thought the lads were going to put everything in their lorry and then transfer it to the container at the depot but the battered old thing turned up this afternoon and it took them about 3 hours to load it in the end.
The driver of the container told us it's going on MSC Rhone which is currently docked in Liverpool. We can track the ship's journey on MSC Rhone looks like a battered old ship.......hope it makes it all the way to Oz!
So, now the house is pretty much empty and we are drinking champagne watching a tiny little portable telly perched on a little plastic box! Might as well get used to this, we won't see our furniture again until November!

Wednesday 2 September 2009


Just a quick update as I'm in bed..........well actually I'm on a blow up air bed in a room that echoes surrounded by cardboard boxes. My lamp has already been bubble wrapped so I've got my torch here so I can see the the way out of the room without stubbing my toes on all this MESSSSSSS!!!

Shippers turned up at about 10.45am this morning.....only an hour and 45 minutes late. Then had a brew and a fag, then walked round the whole house summing things up. They did a little bit of packing but then by 11.30am were on the 2nd brew and fag break! They've managed to get quite a bit done (despite the pace) but they are coming back again tomorrow to do the rest. There are boxes everywhere. Maya has escaped and is on yet another sleepover (nice move), the rest of us are on airbeds.

Solicitors phoned today, we exchange contracts tomorrow and should complete as expected on Monday. That's a relief.

Anyway, lets see if this thing stays inflated all night. Goodnight! xx