Wednesday 2 September 2009


Just a quick update as I'm in bed..........well actually I'm on a blow up air bed in a room that echoes surrounded by cardboard boxes. My lamp has already been bubble wrapped so I've got my torch here so I can see the the way out of the room without stubbing my toes on all this MESSSSSSS!!!

Shippers turned up at about 10.45am this morning.....only an hour and 45 minutes late. Then had a brew and a fag, then walked round the whole house summing things up. They did a little bit of packing but then by 11.30am were on the 2nd brew and fag break! They've managed to get quite a bit done (despite the pace) but they are coming back again tomorrow to do the rest. There are boxes everywhere. Maya has escaped and is on yet another sleepover (nice move), the rest of us are on airbeds.

Solicitors phoned today, we exchange contracts tomorrow and should complete as expected on Monday. That's a relief.

Anyway, lets see if this thing stays inflated all night. Goodnight! xx

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