Sunday 27 September 2009

The sun has come out!

Finally out of the jeans and cardigans and into the shorts and vest tops!! Having some glorious weather this weekend. Moved into our rental yesterday, loving it!! Bought the biggest sofa you have ever seen (I really must upload some photos soon!), bought a washing machine, a huge garden table and chairs and a big telly. Apart from that we have borrowed a bed and bedding off Debs & Gareth, the kids are on air-beds and the place looks a bit sparse. Can't wait for our container to arrive!

Got invited to a party last night with some local ex-pats. We all have children at the same school. Was a bit nervous as we didn't know anyone there but what a great bunch of people! Most of them from North West England so dead down to earth and easy to get on with.

Simon has bought his pride and joy..........a massive "man" barbecue! Sat in the garden this morning eating barbecued pork steak butties for breakfast!!

We are absolutely loving it here. It's a great place to raise kids and it's true what everyone says about the Aussies laid back attitude......frustrating as hell sometimes but I'm sure I'll get used to it!

Hoping to get out and about a bit this week as it's my last week off before I start work.

Anyway, gotta go. We're off to a barbie this arvo!

Check back in a couple of days and I'll get my act together with the photos!

Love to you all, thanks for reading the blog! (and well done Jane Hargreaves for finally becoming a follower! Miss you mate, x)

1 comment:

  1. Hi, glad to hear you're all settling down, meeting new people and enjoying being there. Yes, I can just picture Simon with his 'man' BBQ & can of Fosters (or is it 4X?) !!
    The boys emailed Nathan last nite, they're really missing him. Cant believe it's 2 weeks today that you left :(
    Good luck with your new job Mandy
    Take care, lots of love, Pete, Louise, Thomas & Antony xxxx
