Tuesday 22 September 2009

The kid's start school!!!

Maya and Nathan started school yesterday. They were really scared in the morning so me and Simon were nervous all day wondering how they were getting on. They came out of school with huge smiles on their faces. They both said that everyone was mega friendly. They have already made some friends. Nathan said "I can't think there could ever be a better primary school!". Maya said that all the kids in her class were really helpful to her. All the staff are lovely as well and made a big deal of their first day. There is a special assembly tomorrow and the kids will be presented with a certificate to celebrate them joining the school. So chuffed that they like it!!

Simon has bought a Ute (a van) which he picked up today so we have a vehicle each now. Took the hire car back to Perth airport but got lost on the way back because a new stretch of freeway opened this weekend and Sat Nav knew nothing about it!! Ended up out in the sticks with emus and things roaming round.......crapped myself! Anyway, eventually found civilisation again and went to view a rental house yesterday afternoon which we really like. We have applied to be tenants and we should hear tomorrow.

I had a couple of "informal" job interviews today which went really really well. Fingers crossed I should be working again within the next couple of weeks!

Weather has been traditionally English since we arrived (windy, rainy, with odd sunny spells) today has been gorgeous though, actually ventured out with no cardigan and bare legs!

Last weekend we went out for a meal with some other ex-pats and also Simon's cousin Carol came. Had a great night, everyone got on well together and were very welcoming of us.

So in the space of a week we have bought 2 vehicles, enrolled the kids in school, hopefully found a rental, got myself a job (touch wood), made some new friends and caught up with a long lost family member!! Not bad for a weeks work!

The kids are on half term holidays after this week and Debbie and Gareth have some leave so we are going to calm down a bit, do less running round, and go out and see the sights a bit. Looking forward to that.

We are feeling really settled here so far. I think we made the right move, it's a lovely place and everyone is so friendly (apart from all the idiots who majorly tooted and shook their fists at me on the freeway this morning because I was in the wrong lane!! lol)

Thanks for keep checking in on the blog. I'll get some photos posted on here within the next day or two. See ya soon xx

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