Monday 7 September 2009

Going to be off-line for a while now. Exchanged on the house today and we are now living in a holiday flat....with no internet access!!!! Aaaarrrgggghhh! Just popped round to Mum's to use the internet. Should be back online properly when we get to Perth.
Bye for now xxx


  1. wow everythings happening now for you,be safe and sue..xx

  2. Hi Mandy, Simon, Maya & Nathan,
    It was great seeing you all on Saturday :) We're all going to miss you very much but we hope you'll be happy and enjoy your new life in Oz x
    Please say 'hi' to Debbie, Gareth, Luke and Jake for us.
    Take care and best wishes
    Lots of love from Pete, Louise, Thomas & Antony xxxx
