Sunday 6 December 2009

Just done my first week in my new job as Sales Consultant. Love the hours, 9am to 2pm but there's so much to learn, it's all a bit mind-boggling at the moment. Also it's bad timing going part time now Simon is out of work but we didn't know at the time. Simon has applied for a few jobs and is waiting to hear. He is also starting looking at setting up his own business doing pretty much what he did in the UK.

My new job is in Spearwood which is a 35 minute drive through a huge industrial area. All the guys in the Utes drive like nutters and the huge lorries aren't much better. I'm on a "Welcome to Bankwest" induction course in the city tomorrow and Tuesday. Need to catch the train at 7.25am in the morning! Thought those early train days were over when I left Paymaster!

Our container is due to arrive with us on Thursday. Yipppeee!! Don't know where the hell we will put everything though! We definately wont need the wardrobes we shipped coz all Aussie houses have built in closets. I'm betting that some of our stuff will be damaged as the guys who packed it in Cleveleys weren't exactly careful getting it into the container!

Well we are officially in Summer here now and the weather is certainly hotting up. The shopping malls have all got the Christmas Decs up and the Christmas adverts are on the telly, some of the houses are even decorated like the one on the National Lampoons Christmas Vacation, but I'm not feeling Christmassy at all yet! Worse still......I haven't even started Christmas shopping yet! If I was in Britain I would have it all bought, wrapped and under the tree by now! It's my work's Christmas party this Friday night, looking forward to that, it's a free bar all night! Got a new frock and new earring so I'm ready to go!!

Nathan has fallen in love (awwwww bless!) with a little girl in his year group. He wants to buy her some jewellery for Christmas! Maya has been snorkelling with Simon today at Point Peron. She's looking like a true beach babe now, with a gorgeous tan. Even Nathan has a tan so he doesn't look like Gollum anymore!

Not sure if anyone is still following this blog or if I'm just talking to myself. Can you click on the "comment" link below and just give me a quick "hi" to let me know that I'm not the only one on this blog.

Presuming there is someone out there.........I'll be back soon! x


  1. Hi Mandy, yep we still read your blog!!
    Glad your new job's ok, I'm sure it'll get easier as time goes on. It's great to hear that Maya and Nathan are settling in well.
    We're not feeling very Christmassy yet either :( but GUESS WHO had their decs up in the middle of November?? I'll give you a clue - bulldog, wasp, chewing ... Have you guessed yet? I'm just waiting for it all to be rearranged 10 times before Xmas!!
    Take care,
    Louise xx

  2. Hi Mandy, its your 'office husband'! I'm following your escapade with a mixture of wonder and envy. You are all pretty brave taking the plunge and moving down under but the life seems fantastic. As we all know, there really is life after Paymaster. Have a great Xmas.
