Saturday 26 December 2009

Merry Christmas

Can't believe it's over a week since I last posted on here.

I had an interview for the bank manager job the day before Christmas Eve and I got the job!!!!! I start on 4th January, so back to being full time and learning another new job. I'm looking forward to it though.

Simon has got a job. He will be working for a glass company as a glass cutter. He starts on the 11th January. So things are looking up and we are now house hunting! Simon is adamant that he wants a house with a pool but I would rather we get the best house for our money now and put a pool in later, so no doubt there'll be some squabbles over the coming weeks!

The Bankwest Christmas Party was amazing. There must have been well over a thousand people there. No expense was spared, it was free bar all night and great entertainment laid on in two huge rooms. I had to be helped onto the coach at the end of the night so that's a good sign that it was a good do!!

Had a good day on Christmas day. Woke early with the kids and we all opened our pressies then had a lazy morning before we all got spruced up and went round to Debbie and Gareths. Debbie put on a great buffet and Stacey and Andy also came round. Debbie made sure we all pickled ourselves in alcohol. I drank a litre of Martini as well as some Ouzo, Advocaat, Rum and coke, Malibu and Baileys shot (yuk), and sambuka that almost stripped the lining of my throat. Suffered a bit today and although the weather is glorious outside we just slobbed out in front of the telly eating chocolate. Me and the kids all played with our new Nintendo games!

Linzi and Mark have entered little Harry into the Christmas spirit! Christmas Eve he was dressed up as an elf, yesterday he was a mini Santa and today he was a little Christmas Pudding. Thank god for webcam, I wouldn't have missed that for the world.........that poor child!

Not sure what we are doing yet tomorrow but on Monday the weather will hit 40 degrees so we are going down to the beach so the kids can use their new body boards they got for Christmas.

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