Tuesday 29 December 2009

Our first home???

Saw a house on the internet just before Christmas and have been anxiously waiting for the real estate agents to reopen so I could make an appointment to view. Anyway, went to see the house yesterday morning and fell in love with it. It's in a perfect location for us, literally round the corner from the kids school, walking distance to the beach, shops and within staggering distance of Debbie and Gareth's house. We put an offer in straight away but the process is way way different to the UK. We had to go down to the real estate's office and complete a contract because once an offer is accepted it then becomes legally binding so that neither party can change their mind. Anyway, after nearly an hour of paperwork we headed off to the beach. The agent phoned us shortly after to tell us our offer had been rejected. A few phone calls later and a bit of negotiation he finally called back to say the vendors had agreed to our price. He needed to get us to sign the amendment on the contract and offered to come down to the beach with the paperwork! Can you believe it? He actually came down to the beach and found us!!!!!

So that's that. We now have 28 days to secure the finance and then a further 28 days is allowed for settlement. I think this is the link for the house. It's no 56 Montebourg Meander, Port Kennedy

.........oh, and I went back to work today. How crap is that! I always have 2 weeks off at Christmas so I'm not impressed at just getting a couple of days off. Oh well, a couple more days being a Sales Consultant then onwards and upwards to Bank Manager next week. Does anyone know how to run a bank?.........answers on a postcard please. lol

Weather report: Damn hot! Beautiful!

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