Thursday 10 December 2009

A momentous day!!

The container that we waved goodbye to in Cleveleys on the 2nd September finally reversed onto our drive this morning! It took the guys 3 hours to get everything off and unwrapped and it took me and Simon another 7 hours to sort everything out and put everything away (well not quite everything!)

I didn't realise just how much bloomin stuff we had brought! We can't fit it all in here!! We have unpacked most of it and the house is now looking very homely after being so bare for so long! But now we have loads of stuff still wrapped and boxed and just sat outside under the car-port. I'm worried that the bogans are going to jump over the garden wall and nick it all. I need to phone round and get some prices for self-storage.

Everything seems to have made the long journey without any mishap, apart from the fridge-freezer. It has a small piece broken off from the back, which doesn't really matter but it also has one of the glass shelves missing so presumably it's been in the wars somewhere along the way. It works though, so I went straight to the supermarket tonight and bought loads of ice-cream and lollies. It's such a luxury to have a freezer!!!

When the guys brought my sideboard in I got a lump in my throat coz I was so pleased to see it!! How ridiculous is that! haha. (Not as bad as Simon......he HUGGED the fridge freezer! hahaha)

When the kids got home from school it was like Christmas day for them to have all their belongings back.....and also their beds! They have been sleeping on airbeds for 3 months!

So now it's legs are aching and my feet are throbbing. It's been a hell of a day and I can't wait to finally climb into our own bed tonight. Not slept in it since August!

That's it for now but watch this space because there are possibly some exciting developments on the job front. I'll be back soon. xx

1 comment:

  1. Glad you've got all your stuff now and it feels like home x
    Thank you for the Aussie Xmas card :) I haven't posted yours yet so it could be after Xmas when you get it!!
    Take care
    Louise x
