Friday 30 October 2009

Not coming back to England in 2010

Because I can't get enough annual leave and because flight prices to the UK in January are extortionate, I won't now be coming back to England next year. Instead, we are going to pay for Linzi, Mark and our little grandson to come out here to stay with us for a couple of weeks, hopefully in April/May. It's cheaper than me coming back to the UK on my own in January, and this way Simon and the kids get to meet the new arrival as well. Can't wait. It's going to be great!!

Wednesday 28 October 2009

Change of plan! Simon hasn't gone away this week, his boss didn't get things organised in time so they are now going next week instead. I've got a day off next week (whoo hoo!). At the bank you get a rosta day off each month but you pretty much have to take it when your boss schedules it so I've ended up with a day off when Simon is away and the kids are at school.............what should I do with a whole day to myself?..............of course..............Christmas shopping!!!!!!
It's been like England here today, cold, windy and chucking it down. It's going to be cool for a few days yet, around 21 to 26 degrees. I've actually had to put a cardi on!
Did my exam today and I've sent off my written assessment, got to wait now to find out my result. Don't want to do it again so keep your fingers crossed for me.
Linzi gets the keys to her new house on Monday (can't believe I found out off Facebook Linzi!!! Tut tut!!). Really chuffed though, it's a relief to think she will be settled in her little nest with Mark when the baby arrives. The midwife has told Linzi she might be early because the baby is so big and is so many 5ths engaged (whatever that means!)
Nathan's birthday this Friday so the Fitzgeralds are coming round for a birthday tea, then we are all going to a Halloween Party in Waikiki on Saturday night. We are all in fancy dress and the lady who is throwing the party has spent a fortune on decorations, she is even having a graveyard in her back garden. Should be good!

Sunday 25 October 2009

Hi everyone, hope you are all okay.

My job at the bank is going fine, I'm picking it up quite well and have managed to balance my cash everyday. The girls I work with are lovely, there are only 5 of us in the branch. Only down side is the bloody hours! I'm trying to go on to part time but there's no post available for me yet so I'll stick with this for now. Simon is liking his new job as well but they have given him a big fat ugly van to drive which he has to bring home every night. So we've got that monstrosity sat on the driveway now, lowering the tone of the neighbourhood! Simon is working away next week, way out in Kalgoorlie which is a mining town way out in snake and roo territory about 8 hours drive inland! He goes on Tuesday and he wont be back until Friday night so he's going to miss Nathan's birthday which is a bit of a shame. Nathan's decided he's going to have his birthday on the Saturday instead. Simon has seen loads of creepy crawlies while working on the roofs this week. He saw loads of redbacks but managed not to get bitten!

Went to Debbie and Gareths for tea last night, drank way too much and woke up on their settee at 6am this morning wondering where the hell I was. Looked across the room and Nathan was asleep on the other settee but Maya and Simon were nowhere to be seen! Walked home with Nathan, feeling sick as a dog and found out that after I zonked out Simon and Maya buggered off home and left me, but Nat decided to stay and keep me company!

Went to Point Peron this morning, thought a brisk walk would clear our heads. Weather was boiling though so it made me feel worse. Had a laugh though, Simon and the kids were in the sea and I was stood paddling and Simon jokingly shouted across to me to be on shark thing, 5 mins later I saw a big dorsal fin sticking out of the water a few meters from where Simon and Nathan were. I shouted for them to get out of the water but then immediately realised it wasn't a shark it was dolphins. Simon spun his head round, spotted the dorsal fin and absolutle crapped himself! I've never seen him move so fast! He shot out of the sea shouting "Nathan, get out!!!" I was wetting myself laughing, his eyes were on stalks and his heart was beating out of his chest! Hilarious!

Anyway, I better go. I'm supposed to be studying for an exam I've got to do on Wednesday "Financial Services Regulations blah blah blah", or something along those lines! Apparantly everyone who works for the bank has got to do it!

I'll be back soon! x

Sunday 18 October 2009

Hot hot hot!

It's been a gorgeous weekend. Yesterday the temperature reached well into the 30s so we headed off to the beach with a picnic. The kids went swimming in the ocean and Maya was jumping off the pontoons. Simon walked the kids further up the beach where loads of people were diving in off the jetty. Maya took the plunge and was really proud of herself.

My hayfever was the worst it's ever been so my beach bag was packed with tissues and I was drugged up with absolutely useless anti-histamines! Got in the car after we got off the beach and couldn't touch the gear stick or steering wheel - hot hot hot! Had to sit there for 5 minutes with the air-con on full blast before I could drive!

This morning we had a stroll around Point Peron. It is a really really beautiful place. Saw a big fat lizard, a snake and then the best sight ever...............eight dolphins playing near the shore. Point Peron is my favourite place in the world!

Came home and did the ironing (see.......we do normal things as well!!!)

Simon has got an early start tomorrow for his first day in his new job.

Thursday 15 October 2009

I feel so lucky to be here!

Finished work at 5.30 today. Came home, got changed, then went down to the local beach in Port Kennedy. Had a lovely walk along the shoreline as the sun was setting. What a great way to unwind after work and build up an appetite ready for tea!

All the seaweed (and dead things) that were washed up a few weeks ago in the bad weather, have now gone and there is just a gorgeous stretch of golden sand..........and all within walking distance of our house. Bliss!

Wednesday 14 October 2009

My new job

So I'm two days into my new job and I think I like it but I'm totally NOT impressed with the hours. After working flexi-time for the past 23 years it's a shock to the system working set hours............and getting out of work late each day! I start at 8.30 and I'm supposed to finish at 5.15 but on my first day yesterday I got out at 5.30 and today didn't get out until 5.40!! Not happy!

Good news is that I'm learning the job quickly and enjoying it. Yesterday I spent most of the day observing the other staff in the bank but today they put me on teller all day.......scary stuff as I'd never worked in a bank before. Got quite confident by this afternoon and when we closed up my cash balanced so all was good. Still got LOADS to learn though!

Kids went back to school yesterday and still love it! There have been athletic trials this week to select a team for the upcoming inter-school competitions. Maya has been selected for the team and Nathan has been put on the reserve team, so they are both chuffed.

Weather forecast is 32 degrees for Saturday so we are trying to decide which beach to go to................too many to choose from, decisions, decisions! It's such a tough life!!

Monday 12 October 2009

Simon got the job he went for this morning. Much better conditions and better money!! He starts next Monday. My first day at work tomorrow. I've got quite used to being a lady of leisure so the 8.30 start is going to be difficult!! When I get my uniform I'll post a picture lol.

Kids are back at school tomorrow as well after their 2 week break, so we are all starting to settle down to normal life again. Looking forward to the weekend, it's forecast to get hot hot hot so we may have to spend some lazy hours on the beach to cool off!

Big hello to Uncle Dave and Aunty Jean!! Had a great afternoon at their house yesterday.

I'll be back in a few days to let you all know how I get on at work..........I'm expecting it to be difficult..........I haven't sussed out Australian money yet and I keep calling it "pounds" instead of "dollars"!

Sunday 11 October 2009

Latest news

Simon has quit the job he started last week. It just wasn't feasible, but he already has another job interview for 9am tomorrow morning. Seems to be quite easy to get work here but Perth covers such a massive area you just have to get something that's within reasonable travelling. Went to Debbie and Gareths on Friday night for a barbie and got smashed (again!!). Yesterday was a cloudy day so we went for a drive to Fremantle as we'd not seen it yet. I love it there! It has a very "old" feel to it and the older buildings mainly have a Dutch influence. It was really quiet because the weather wasn't great but I should imagine it will get heaving once we get into Summer. I'll definately be taking trips there more often, it's a lovely place. The parrot in the photograph was sat in a palm tree with it's mate just outside the shipwreck museum.
Going to meet Simon's uncle Dave and aunty Jean this afternoon out in Serpentine. They emigrated out here when Simonn was about 4 years old and he hasn't seen them since!
The newspapers here say that it's mating season for Tiger Snakes and so they will be coming out of the bush into the suburbs and into our back gardens! They kill!!!!! Arghhhhhh!

Thursday 8 October 2009

Nathan was very brave as well. Jake was looking on and thinking "should I?, shouldn't I?" .......and in the end .........he did!
Rather her than me!!
Maya giving little Joey his lunch.
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How cute is this little Kanga?!!! Can't remember the name of this little wildlife park we visited but it's only about 15 minutes away so I'm sure we will be visiting again.....regularly!!
Do any of you ever feed my fish when you visit this blog? They look starving! Click anywhere near the fish to feed them. Thanks. :-) xx

Wednesday 7 October 2009

Simon started work yesterday. He was working on a site way up north in Yanchep. He is hoping that he will be able to get work closer to home and that he can get on domestic properties rather than on site work. Then he'll be able to make top dollar. He's going to see how it goes over the next week or so but if all the work is as far north as Yanchep then he'll have to look for something else.

It's all change with my job as well. I've now decided to take a full time role in the branch which is closer to our house. I'll be No.1 Teller (whatever that is). If I'm working full time it will look better when we apply for our mortgage in a few months. Once we've got the mortgage I'll decide what I want to do after that. I'm still working for BankWest so I'll still be in the lovely orange and black uniform!! I start next Tuesday (13th). It's going to kill me after being off work for so long!! The hours are 8.30 to 5.15 and on top of annual leave I get a rosta day off every month. I'm looking forward to learning a new job and they are still putting me on fast track development for Branch Manager. Better get my brain back into gear!!

Gorgeous sunny day again yesterday so me and Debbie took the kids to Mandurah. Went to the little fair then for a walk round the lake. Got up close and personal with a pelican (bloody horrible things they are! Look at it's cartoon eye!!)

Woke up this morning with a suspicious bite on my leg, presumably from our walk yesterday!

Not sure what I'm doing today, looks a bit cloudy..........might have to go shopping!!

Tuesday 6 October 2009

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Point Peron

We spent a few hours at Point Peron yesterday. It's absolutely gorgeous and literally only 10 minutes from our front door!!! We had a lovely sandy cove all to ourselves. Sometimes dolphins turn up near the shore here but we weren't lucky enough to see any yesterday. When we came off the beach we walked through the paths in the area and saw 5 shingleback skink lizards.
Really beautiful place, feel so lucky it is so close. We will be spending quite a bit of time here in the summer!

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Oh my God! I actually managed to upload a picture. Been trying for days but Blogger has been playing up! Anyway.....this is us on Saturday night with our fantastic mates Debbie and Gareth. They came round for tea.............and grog!

I'll try and upload some more piccies now that it's working again.

Friday 2 October 2009


I put the wrong telephone number on one of the previous posts.........our new number is 0061 8 95942814. Thanks Jane for pointing that out!

Not got much else to tell you today. Been to the beach, kids have been in the sea.......didn't get eaten by sharks!

I'll be back soon. xx