Sunday 25 October 2009

Hi everyone, hope you are all okay.

My job at the bank is going fine, I'm picking it up quite well and have managed to balance my cash everyday. The girls I work with are lovely, there are only 5 of us in the branch. Only down side is the bloody hours! I'm trying to go on to part time but there's no post available for me yet so I'll stick with this for now. Simon is liking his new job as well but they have given him a big fat ugly van to drive which he has to bring home every night. So we've got that monstrosity sat on the driveway now, lowering the tone of the neighbourhood! Simon is working away next week, way out in Kalgoorlie which is a mining town way out in snake and roo territory about 8 hours drive inland! He goes on Tuesday and he wont be back until Friday night so he's going to miss Nathan's birthday which is a bit of a shame. Nathan's decided he's going to have his birthday on the Saturday instead. Simon has seen loads of creepy crawlies while working on the roofs this week. He saw loads of redbacks but managed not to get bitten!

Went to Debbie and Gareths for tea last night, drank way too much and woke up on their settee at 6am this morning wondering where the hell I was. Looked across the room and Nathan was asleep on the other settee but Maya and Simon were nowhere to be seen! Walked home with Nathan, feeling sick as a dog and found out that after I zonked out Simon and Maya buggered off home and left me, but Nat decided to stay and keep me company!

Went to Point Peron this morning, thought a brisk walk would clear our heads. Weather was boiling though so it made me feel worse. Had a laugh though, Simon and the kids were in the sea and I was stood paddling and Simon jokingly shouted across to me to be on shark thing, 5 mins later I saw a big dorsal fin sticking out of the water a few meters from where Simon and Nathan were. I shouted for them to get out of the water but then immediately realised it wasn't a shark it was dolphins. Simon spun his head round, spotted the dorsal fin and absolutle crapped himself! I've never seen him move so fast! He shot out of the sea shouting "Nathan, get out!!!" I was wetting myself laughing, his eyes were on stalks and his heart was beating out of his chest! Hilarious!

Anyway, I better go. I'm supposed to be studying for an exam I've got to do on Wednesday "Financial Services Regulations blah blah blah", or something along those lines! Apparantly everyone who works for the bank has got to do it!

I'll be back soon! x

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