Wednesday 28 October 2009

Change of plan! Simon hasn't gone away this week, his boss didn't get things organised in time so they are now going next week instead. I've got a day off next week (whoo hoo!). At the bank you get a rosta day off each month but you pretty much have to take it when your boss schedules it so I've ended up with a day off when Simon is away and the kids are at school.............what should I do with a whole day to myself?..............of course..............Christmas shopping!!!!!!
It's been like England here today, cold, windy and chucking it down. It's going to be cool for a few days yet, around 21 to 26 degrees. I've actually had to put a cardi on!
Did my exam today and I've sent off my written assessment, got to wait now to find out my result. Don't want to do it again so keep your fingers crossed for me.
Linzi gets the keys to her new house on Monday (can't believe I found out off Facebook Linzi!!! Tut tut!!). Really chuffed though, it's a relief to think she will be settled in her little nest with Mark when the baby arrives. The midwife has told Linzi she might be early because the baby is so big and is so many 5ths engaged (whatever that means!)
Nathan's birthday this Friday so the Fitzgeralds are coming round for a birthday tea, then we are all going to a Halloween Party in Waikiki on Saturday night. We are all in fancy dress and the lady who is throwing the party has spent a fortune on decorations, she is even having a graveyard in her back garden. Should be good!

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