Wednesday 7 October 2009

Simon started work yesterday. He was working on a site way up north in Yanchep. He is hoping that he will be able to get work closer to home and that he can get on domestic properties rather than on site work. Then he'll be able to make top dollar. He's going to see how it goes over the next week or so but if all the work is as far north as Yanchep then he'll have to look for something else.

It's all change with my job as well. I've now decided to take a full time role in the branch which is closer to our house. I'll be No.1 Teller (whatever that is). If I'm working full time it will look better when we apply for our mortgage in a few months. Once we've got the mortgage I'll decide what I want to do after that. I'm still working for BankWest so I'll still be in the lovely orange and black uniform!! I start next Tuesday (13th). It's going to kill me after being off work for so long!! The hours are 8.30 to 5.15 and on top of annual leave I get a rosta day off every month. I'm looking forward to learning a new job and they are still putting me on fast track development for Branch Manager. Better get my brain back into gear!!

Gorgeous sunny day again yesterday so me and Debbie took the kids to Mandurah. Went to the little fair then for a walk round the lake. Got up close and personal with a pelican (bloody horrible things they are! Look at it's cartoon eye!!)

Woke up this morning with a suspicious bite on my leg, presumably from our walk yesterday!

Not sure what I'm doing today, looks a bit cloudy..........might have to go shopping!!

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