Sunday 18 October 2009

Hot hot hot!

It's been a gorgeous weekend. Yesterday the temperature reached well into the 30s so we headed off to the beach with a picnic. The kids went swimming in the ocean and Maya was jumping off the pontoons. Simon walked the kids further up the beach where loads of people were diving in off the jetty. Maya took the plunge and was really proud of herself.

My hayfever was the worst it's ever been so my beach bag was packed with tissues and I was drugged up with absolutely useless anti-histamines! Got in the car after we got off the beach and couldn't touch the gear stick or steering wheel - hot hot hot! Had to sit there for 5 minutes with the air-con on full blast before I could drive!

This morning we had a stroll around Point Peron. It is a really really beautiful place. Saw a big fat lizard, a snake and then the best sight ever...............eight dolphins playing near the shore. Point Peron is my favourite place in the world!

Came home and did the ironing (see.......we do normal things as well!!!)

Simon has got an early start tomorrow for his first day in his new job.

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