Monday 12 October 2009

Simon got the job he went for this morning. Much better conditions and better money!! He starts next Monday. My first day at work tomorrow. I've got quite used to being a lady of leisure so the 8.30 start is going to be difficult!! When I get my uniform I'll post a picture lol.

Kids are back at school tomorrow as well after their 2 week break, so we are all starting to settle down to normal life again. Looking forward to the weekend, it's forecast to get hot hot hot so we may have to spend some lazy hours on the beach to cool off!

Big hello to Uncle Dave and Aunty Jean!! Had a great afternoon at their house yesterday.

I'll be back in a few days to let you all know how I get on at work..........I'm expecting it to be difficult..........I haven't sussed out Australian money yet and I keep calling it "pounds" instead of "dollars"!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Simon :) Good luck in your new job Mandy, I'm sure it'll be fine.
    Louise xx
