Sunday 11 October 2009

Latest news

Simon has quit the job he started last week. It just wasn't feasible, but he already has another job interview for 9am tomorrow morning. Seems to be quite easy to get work here but Perth covers such a massive area you just have to get something that's within reasonable travelling. Went to Debbie and Gareths on Friday night for a barbie and got smashed (again!!). Yesterday was a cloudy day so we went for a drive to Fremantle as we'd not seen it yet. I love it there! It has a very "old" feel to it and the older buildings mainly have a Dutch influence. It was really quiet because the weather wasn't great but I should imagine it will get heaving once we get into Summer. I'll definately be taking trips there more often, it's a lovely place. The parrot in the photograph was sat in a palm tree with it's mate just outside the shipwreck museum.
Going to meet Simon's uncle Dave and aunty Jean this afternoon out in Serpentine. They emigrated out here when Simonn was about 4 years old and he hasn't seen them since!
The newspapers here say that it's mating season for Tiger Snakes and so they will be coming out of the bush into the suburbs and into our back gardens! They kill!!!!! Arghhhhhh!

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